
Illuminating the Path to Your Divine Nature

There is more to this life and your time is now

You have dedicated your life to others. Your spouse, Your children. Your job. Your community. You have lived a “good” life and done the “right” things.

Now you feel a pull to go deeper. Your intuition is telling you there is more for you to do. More for you to BE.

You can’t wait any longer. The time is now to create the life you were meant to live.

Are you ready to go beyond Magical Thinking?

What is Magical Thinking?

Magical thinking is what so many of us have been taught to do for decades. Think positively. Repeat our mantras. Say our prayers. Be a nice person.

Though we may have seen sporadic success with these approaches, we are not ACTIVELY creating abundance. It isn’t until we understand ourselves and the journey we are on, that we can take action in order to live into our Divine Nature.

When we work together, we will begin by reaching into your Akashic Records to get information about your Divine Soul Blueprint. You will learn who you are at soul level and where you are in your journey. You will gain insight into the roadblocks and challenges you have faced in this lifetime. This knowledge enables you to move from feeling like a victim to your circumstances, to empowerment to live into your divine nature.

This information then assists you in living into your divine self-expression and experiencing an abundant life. Not necessarily what you have always been told by others you were meant to be, but who you are incarnated to be!

Together, we will go through the simple, but not necessarily easy, process of discovering your true self.

Are you ready?

Sign up for a free 30 minute discovery call to learn
one characteristic of your personal Divine Soul Blueprint.
**New clients only.**

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Record is the energetic “log” of every choice you’ve ever made. Each soul has its own Akashic Record that tells us what our soul looked like when Divine Source (or God or Creator) originally created our souls. This is called our Divine Soul Blueprint. Realignment to who God created us to be is how we live into our Divine Nature with great confidence!

As we experience human life, we make “negative” choices which do not align with who we are at soul level. These negative choices create blocks and restrictions that prevent us from living into our Divine Nature. Soul Realignment® readings help us to make “positive” choices, choices that align with our Divine Soul Blueprint, so we can live more abundant lives.

An Akashic Record Reading can assist you in your soul journey in several ways. It will help you to:

  • Identify your soul’s core traits that contribute to your human experience,
  • Better understand your pattern of choices and how they affect you,
  • Improve your relationships by understanding discordant energy exchanges,
  • Explain troublesome or challenging life circumstances,
  • Recognize blocks to achieving your goals and highest potential, and
  • Express your Divine Nature to create a more satisfying life.

Certified Spiritual Director

Certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner

I'm Michelle Mainquist

Like you, I have been on a spiritual journey for decades. For a very long time I did not know whether I was living the life I wanted, or the life others expected for me.

You see, the belief system I grew up in no longer worked for me. I never felt loved or lovable. At times, not even by God.

I was lost.

It wasn’t until I discovered the Akashic records, that I was able to heal from the spiritual, emotional and physical trauma I experienced in my early life. Today I am here to testify that though it is impossible to forget, forgiveness and fulfillment are possible.

By gaining the insight into who I am at soul level I now understand who I am and why I am. I have learned to live authentically and joyfully.

Learning the information about my Divine Soul Blueprint brought me such powerful insight, that I want to share it with others. I sought certification from a top Akashic records expert and have combined what I learned from her with my experience as a Spiritual Director, to create programs that will assist you in experiencing abundance and freedom through your unique Divine Self-Expression.

Sign up for a free 30 minute discovery call to learn
one characteristic of your personal Divine Soul Blueprint.
**New clients only.**




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Michelle Mainquist 2022